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Grade 5 Standards and Performance Indicators

RSU 5 Standards and Performance Indicators

Grade 5

Habits of Work


  • Respect: respect for the ideas, feelings, and property of others


  • Preparedness: timeliness, organization, homework completion


  • Engagement: participation, interpersonal involvement, group-work


  • Determination: ability to self-assess; persistence, effective use of feedback



Foundational Skills

Phonics and Word Recognition

  • Knows and applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
  • Uses context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understands, rereading as necessary.


  • Reads grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

Writing Production

  • Handwrites with appropriate alignment and size, form, neatness and spacing.
  • Applies keyboarding skills to produce work.


  • Uses vowel patterns in multi-syllablic words accurately.


Narrative Reading

Literal Comprehension

  • Summarizes a story,  names a theme and then summarizes the most important parts of the story that support that theme. Traces the significant changes in a character.
  • Stays focused on the parts of the story that are most important to the kind of summary being given, leaving out parts that are not.

Interpretive Reading

  • Demonstrates a growing awareness of character complexity and how the life lessons often illustrate the theme of the story.
  • Supports ideas from several parts of the text including quotes and explains how those details support a theory.

Analytic Reading

  • Reads a story with the lens of my her own interests. Weighs the pros and cons of rural life, for example.
  • Identifies the parts of the book that develops inquiry and often reads other texts that relate, synthesizing information from more than one place.


Informational Reading

Literal Comprehension

  • Identifies several important main ideas in a text, and is aware that those ideas thread through the whole text instead of being located in chunks of it.
  • Sorts the details in text and weigh their importance and discuss important details that best support each main idea.
  • Separates own opinion from the ideas presented in the text. Avoids mentioning minor details.

Interpretive Reading

  • Compares and contrasts different texts or parts of texts, considers content, perspectives, and/or craft and structure.
  • Discusses major relationships that occur across discipline-based texts, forms their own ideas about relationships/interactions between events, ideas, and key concepts, using academic and domain-specific vocabulary.

Analytic Reading   

  • Synthesizes several texts in ways that support an idea. Selects the points that best support the idea(s). For example, “How will this author add to or challenge my argument?”
  • Thinks and sometimes writes things like “Is this always the case?” or “Could it be . . . ?” Applies learning and own ideas to solve a problem, make an argument, or design an application.     



Narrative Writing


  • Organizes writing according to purpose using leads, transitions, introductions and conclusions


  • Elaborates with details, reasons and examples. Considers audience when applying elements of craft such as dialogue, word choice, and tone


  • Applies spelling and punctuation in written work


Informational Writing


  • Uses different kinds of information to teach about the subject that may include little essays, stories, or how-to sections.
  • Writing is organized into a sequence of separate sections, using headings and subheadings to highlight the separate sections. Each section is written according to an organizational plan shaped partly by the genre of the section.


  • Writing  includes  an explanation of  different aspects of a subject. Including a variety of information such as examples, details, dates, and quotes.
  • Writing includes trusted sources and gives credit when appropriate and researched any details that would improve the writing.


  • Applies spelling and punctuation in written work


Opinion Writing


  • Writing includes a claim or thesis on a topic or text, supported it with reasons, and provides a variety of evidence for each reason.
  • Writing is organized into paragraphs by information and related ideas. Writing is in the order that most suits the purpose and helps prove the reasons and claim.


  • Writing includes reasons to support an opinion that were parallel and did not overlap. Reasons are in an order that would be most convincing.
  • Writing includes evidence such as facts, examples, quotations, micro-stories, and information to support the claim.
  • Writing discusses and unpacks the way that the evidence supports the claim.


  • Applies spelling and punctuation in written work


Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

  • Engages effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
  • Comes prepared for discussions.
  • Follows agreed-upon rules for discussion and carries out assigned roles.
  • Poses and responds to questions.
  • Summarizes a written text, speaker, or diverse media.


Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

  • Reports on a topic or text or presents an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and uses appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes;
  • Speaks clearly at an understandable pace.
  • Includes multimedia components and visual displays in presentations.



Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Evaluates expressions with grouping symbols (parentheses and brackets)
  • Analyzes patterns and algebraic or linear relationships

Number and Operations in Base Ten

  • Understands the role of place value in decimals and fractions
  • Performs operations with multidigit whole numbers and decimals

Numbers and Operations - Fractions

  • Solves problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions
  • Solves problems involving Multiplication and division of fractions

Measurement and Data

  • Converts metric and nonmetric units to solve real world problems
  • Represents and interprets data
  • Recognizes and understands volume in order to solve problems involving volume


  • Graphs points on a coordinate plane to solve problems
  • Classifies two-dimensional figures

Communication and Reasoning

  • Demonstrates Standards for Mathematical Practices



Demonstrates Understanding of Science Content

Demonstrates Scientific Practices


Social Studies

Demonstrates understanding of social studies content

Applies social studies processes, knowledge and skills



  • Singing
  • Playing Instruments
  • Reading music
  • Listening


Physical Education

  • Participates in physical fitness activities
  • Demonstrates a variety of sports skills
  • Demonstrates cooperative skills during physical activities.



  • Demonstrates understanding of art concepts
  • Demonstrates creative problem solving
  • Demonstrates art skills



  • Demonstrates understanding of concepts taught