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Health Services

Welcome to the Health Services web page.  This site has been designed to provide you with an introduction to some of the services provided by our nursing staff.  There will be links provided for many of the forms required for our health records, as well as links to information on common childhood illnesses.  We are dedicated to the health and well being of our students and their families.

Email Contact Information for School Nurses


Illness Guidelines

Students who become ill during the school day will be assessed by the school nurse and receive appropriate care and supervision in the nurse's office.  The school nurse will dismiss the student only after a parent or other designated emergency contact has been informed.  In accordance with Maine Department of Health and Human Services guidelines, a child should not attend school if they exhibits one or more of the following symptoms or infections:

  • Fever - Fever is defined as having a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher.
  • Diarrhea - Watery, foul-smelling, runny and/or bloody stools.
  • Vomiting - In the last 24-hour period.
  • Rash - An unexplained rash with fever or behavioral change.  Child can return to school if a physician has determined the illness is not communicable and fever is gone.
  • Bacterial infections requiring antibiotics - If your child is placed on antibiotics for any kind of infection please consult school nurse for return to school recommendations.

Students should be fever-free without the aid of fever-reducing medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for 24 hours before returning to school.

When should I send my child to school?

CDC Respiratory Guidance

Communicable/Infectious Disease Policy JLCC



What does my child need for school registration?

Immunization Record




Pre-K K-12
4 5 DPT(4 if 4th dose given after the 4th birthday)
3 4 OPV(3 if 3rd dose given after 4th birthday)
1 2 MMR(1st dose is given on or after the 1st birthday)
1 2 Chicken Pox(vaccine date, disease date, or blood test result)
  1 Tdap Booster(for students entering 7th Grade)
  1-2 Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV4) (for students entering 7th Grade, 2nd dose by 12th Grade)



Students enrolled in grades PreK through 12 are to be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio and varicella. Additionally, all students enrolled in grades 7-12 must be immunized against meningococcal disease. In May of 2019, LD 798 was signed into law which removes both philosophical exemptions and religious exemptions from the exceptions to immunization requirements. Medical exemptions are still allowed and there is an exception for those students with an Individualized Education Plan and either philosophical or religious exemption that is in place prior to Sept 1, 2021.


A Medical exemption is to be provided by the parent/student and must be a written statement from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant that, in the licensed physician's, nurse practitioner's or physician assistant's professional judgment, immunization against one or more of the diseases may be medically inadvisable. A current medical exemption must be submitted to the school nurse every year prior to the start of the school year.


School vaccination Rule FAQ

LD 798 Implementation

Maine Immunization Requirements 9/25/21

Immunization of Students Policy JLCB

Health & Wellness Form


Health History

The Student Health History form needs to be completed annually. This health form provides us with the most current medical information and/or health needs for your child.  Having updated and accurate medical information allows us to provide the best and most appropriate care for your child.


Physical Exam

It is important for children to have regular well-child checks with their health care provider.  It is the procedure of our district that a copy of the Student Physical and Athletic Exam form must be provided to the school nurse during the following intervals, for students entering: 

  • Pre-K
  • Kindergarten
  • 3rd
  • 6th
  • every 2 years in high school
  • upon transfer into an RSU 5 school

This form also serves as the required athletic clearance for students who wish to participate in sports. This is to be completed by your healthcare provider (MD, DO, NP, or PA).


What if my child needs medications at school?

Medications should be given at home when possible.  In the event your child requires medicine at school, you will need to complete the Medication Permission Form and bring the medicine in the original bottle. If a prescription medication is administered for less than 14 days, the prescription label on the bottle will serve as the health care provider’s signature. Prescription medication needed for more than 14 days requires a doctor's note or the Medication Permission Form to be signed by the health care provider.  Students are not allowed to transport medication to or from school.

We do provide Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen as needed for students with occasional discomfort.  There is a check box on our health forms that give us permission to do so.  For all other over the counter medicines, our policy states a medical provider must prescribe these medications in order for them to be given at school.  If your child has a condition that warrants over the counter medicine frequently please speak with your provider to obtain a prescription to help us comply with this policy.  These also need to come to school in original containers. 

Administration of Medication to Students Policy JLCD


Medical/Allergy Plans

Medical/Allergy Plans need to be updated each year.  If your child has Asthma, Seizure Disorder or a Severe Allergy that requires a health plan please speak with your provider to obtain one.  An updated plan is required each school year.  We cannot use the plan from the previous year.  These forms can also be found below.

Maine state law allows students to self carry emergency medicines, at the discretion of the school nurse with proper documentation.  This needs to be indicated on the health plan with signatures from doctor and parent. 

For more information on state law related to medication at school, please refer to the following link:

Maine DOE Ruler Chapter 40 - Rule for Medication Administration in Maine Schools(revised May 2022)


Concussion Management and Information

Because concussions can have a more serious effect on a young developing brain, knowledge of a concussion's symptoms and appropriate management of the return to school process is very important.  Please click here for more information, Concussion Information Sheet

If you suspect your child has sustained a concussion, you should contact your primary care provider for evaluation.  Before your child returns to school, please contact your child's school nurse who will help manage the return to school plan, ass well as their recovery.  We do have a Return to School Plan form that will need to be filled out by your doctor.  Please find forms and additional links for more information below.

RSU 5 has a policy on concussion management which can be found here - Management of Concussion and other Head Injurie


What health screenings are done at our Schools?

It is important to identify students who may have hearing and/or vision deficits.  The impact on their learning may be significant if a problem goes undetected.  Students may not be able to recognize themselves that something is wrong, and compensate in ways that may look like behavioral issues or learning disabilities.

Vision screening will take place in Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9th grades.

Hearing screening will take place in Pre-K, K, 1, 3, and 5th grades.

If a problem is suspected you will be contacted.

Some schools may also do height and weight screening.

For more detailed information about school health screenings, please refer to the following link:

Maine DOE Rule Chapter 45 - Rule for Vision and Hearing Screening in Maine Public Schools - effective April 1, 2006.


All forms and health plans are available in the main office, or by the following links:



Parent Resources

These are a few of the resources that we frequently refer parents and staff to with questions about more common health concerns.  Many of these resources are taken directly from the Maine CDC/DHSS website.  If you have any questions that are not answered here, are having difficulty finding information that may not be listed here or if you'd like further information, please feel free to contact us.