Grades K-5: Everyday Math 4
Aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
Information for parents/guardians about Everyday Math
Everyday Mathematics Web Site (McGraw-Hill)
In Kindergarten, Everyday Mathematics focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in two critical areas:
- Representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets of objects.
- Describing shapes and space.
In First Grade, Everyday Mathematics focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in four critical areas:
- Understanding addition, subtraction, and strategies within 20.
- Understanding whole number relationships and place value, including grouping by tens and ones.
- Understanding linear measurement as iterating length units.
- Composing and decomposing geometric shapes and reasoning about the attributes of shapes.
In Second Grade, Everyday Mathematics focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in four critical areas:
- Understanding of base-10 notation.
- Building fluency with addition and subtraction.
- Using standard units of measure.
- Describing and analyzing shapes.
In Third Grade, Everyday Mathematics focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in four critical areas:
- Understanding of multiplication and division and strategies within 100.
- Understanding of fractions, especially unit fractions.
- Understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays and of area.
- Describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes.
In Fourth Grade, Everyday Mathematics focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in three critical areas:
- Understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and understanding of dividing to find quotients with multi-digit dividends.
- Understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers.
- Understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties.
In Fifth Grade, Everyday Mathematics focuses on procedures, concepts, and applications in three critical areas:
- Developing addition/subtraction fluency with fractions, and understanding of multiplication/division of fractions in limited cases.
- Developing fluency with decimal operations, extending division to 2-digit divisors, integrating decimals into the place-value system, and understanding operations with decimals to hundredths.
- Developing an understanding of volume.