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Budget 2017-2018

2017-2018 Citizen Adopted Budget

June 13, 2017 Election Results

FY'18 Budget Passed  
Yes Votes: 875
No Votes: 591

Breakdown by Town
Durham: Yes: 184   No: 246
Freeport: Yes: 620   No: 233
Pownal: Yes: 71  No: 112


Minutes of the May 24, 2017 Annual Budget Meeting

Documents as a result of the May 24, 2017 Annual Budget Meeting
Amounts Adopted
Updated Estimated Tax Impact

 ********Annual Budget Meeting ********

The next step in the budget process is the Annual Budget Meeting. The meeting is scheduled for May 24th at Freeport High School at 6:30 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to prepare a citizen-supported school budget to send to a referendum vote on June 13th.  All budget documents can be found below.  The School Board encourages our citizens’ involvement in this process.

FY18 Board of Directors' Adopted Budget Brochure - This brochure will be mailed to all households in Durham, Freeport and Pownal the week of April 10, 2017

Superintendent Foley's Letter to the Community Regarding the Budget Article in the March 29th Edition of the Forecaster.

Documents for the May 24, 2017 Annual Budget Meeting 
Board of Directors Adopted Budget
Budget Summary Documents for Board of Directors Adopted Budget with Proposed Tax Impact by Municipality 
Budget Warrant Articles 
Amounts Adopted
Budget Validation Referendum Notice of Election 

Budget Documents from the March 22, 2017 Board Meeting
Superintendent's Budget Recommendations - Possible Reductions
Tax Impact to Each Town Based on March 15, 2017 Budget Information

Budget Documents from the March 15, 2017 Special Board Meeting
An error was discovered on the recommended budget impact page of the budget handouts that were shared with the Board and public. It is an amount from last year (2016-17) that was incorrectly carried forward into the spreadsheet. The number entered in the 2016-17 shared revenue line of the working budget document was $600,391, and it should have been $1,100,391.  The number carried forward understated the tax impact for the proposed budget. The net impact to taxation increases from 4.22% to 6.43% with the change. It does not impact the 4.86% expenditure increase change from last year’s budget.

The Board of Directors held a special meeting on March 15, 2017 to discuss the error. The Superintendent was directed to look at reductions for the Board to discuss at their March 22, 2017 meeting. The revised budget documents with the $500,000 added in are below.  

Explanation Sheets Showing Error
Budget Considerations Due to Error
Expenditure Increases 2016-2017 to Proposed
2017-2018 Administrator's Budget Requests - REVISED
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Handouts - REVISED
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget - REVISED

Budget Documents from the March 8, 2017 Board Meeting
2017-2018 Administrator's Budget Requests - REVISED FOR MARCH 15TH MEETING, SEE TOP OF PAGE 
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget - REVISED FOR MARCH 15TH MEETING, SEE TOP OF PAGE 
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Handouts - REVISED FOR MARCH 15TH MEETING, SEE TOP OF PAGE 
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Review Power Point Presentation 

Budget Documents from the March 1, 2017 Board Meeting
Improvement of Instruction/Curriculum & Gifted and Talented
Instructional Support
Facilities & Transportation
Community Programs
Breakdown of Freeport High School Class Sizes

Budget Documents from the February 15, 2017 Board Meeting
This meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather. Budget items scheduled for this meeting will be on the March 1, 2017 Board Meeting agenda.

Budget Documents from the February 8, 2017 Board Meeting
Teacher/Class Loads Without Self-Contained Students Included
Pownal Elementary School Budget Request
Mast Landing School Budget Request
Morse Street School Budget Request

Budget Documents from the February 1, 2017 Board Meeting
Contingency Information
Durham Community School Budget Request.pdf
Freeport High School Budget Request.pdf
Freeport Middle School Budget Request.pdf

Budget Documents from the January 25, 2017 Board Meeting
2017-2018 Administrator's Budget Requests-REVISED FOR MARCH 15TH MEETING, SEE TOP OF PAGE
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended BudgetREVISED FOR MARCH 15TH MEETING, SEE TOP OF PAGE
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Handouts-REVISED FOR MARCH 15TH MEETING, SEE TOP OF PAGE 
2017-2018 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Power Point Presentation

Information from the December 14, 2016 Board Meeting
Superintendent's FY18 Pro-Forma Budget

Click here to view the FY18 Budget Timeline