Update January 9, 2013
2012-2013 Budget Information
June 13, 2012 Update
Voters Approve FY13 Budget
The RSU Board appreciates the support of the communities and commits to continuing efforts to develop healthy, sustainable schools tht give the children of all three towns the knowledge and skills to succeed as effective citizens, workers and leaders in the 21st century.
Budget Referendum
Total Yes 1677 No 747
Yes 314
No 247
Yes 1258
No 354
Yes 105
No 146
Documents from the May 23, 2012 Annual Budget Meeting
- 2012-2013 Board of Directors' Recommended Budget.pdf
- Amounts Adopted.pdf
- Board of Directors' Recommended Budget Supporting Documents.pdf
- Minutes.pdf
The Board of Directors adopted the 2012-2013 Budget at their meeting on May 9, 2012
- 2012-2013 Board of Directors' Recommended Budget.pdf
- Board of Directors' Recommended Budget Supporting Documents.pdf
- Budget Warrant Articles.pdf
The next two steps in the budget adoption process are as follows:
The Annual Budget Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at Freeport High School. At this meeting, registered voters will have the opportunity to modify and ultimately adopt a final budget to send to a referendum vote by all three towns on June 12, 2012. Absentee ballots will be available at each town office after the May 23rd meeting. Please participate in the process and let us know your expectations and aspirations regarding the future course of our schools.
The Board has added an additional Budget Meeting on May 2nd at Freeport High School
Budget Documents from the April 11, 2012 Board Meeting
Budget Documents from the March 27, 2012 Board Meeting
- 2012-2013 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Handouts.pdf
- 2012-2013 Superintendent's Recommended Budget Power Point Presentation.pdf
- 2012-2013 Superintendent's Recommended Budget.pdf
February 8, 2012 Update
At their meeting on February 8, 2012 the Board discussed budget priorities for the 2012-2013 school year. Click here to view the priorities
January 25, 2012 Update
During the Board’s Retreat in August budget goals and priorities were discussed. A series of workshops leading up to the February adoption of budget priorities by the Board are scheduled for October 12th on Energy Efficiencies and Capital Planning; November 9th on Use of Technology; and December 14th on Current and Projected Enrollments.
- October 12, 2011 - Energy Efficiencies and Capital Planning Workshop
- Capital - Energy Efficiencies Power Point Presentation.pdf
- Capital - Facility Plan.pdf
November 9, 2011 - Use of Technology Workshop
December 14, 2011 - Current and Projected Enrollments
March 14, 2012 - Projected Enrollments from NESDEC By Town and RSU